Knowledge Centre

PEO publishes a variety of resources to assist licence holders in their roles and responsibilities, as well as guidance for applicants going through the licensure process.


Ontario professional engineers are part of a community of more than 87,500 PEO licence and certificate holders committed to enhancing the quality of life, safety and well-being in the province.

As Ontario’s engineering regulator, PEO relies heavily on its volunteers. More than 1,000 professional engineers, engineering interns and non-engineers volunteer their time each year on behalf of the association through their participation.

PEO's mandate, as described in the Professional Engineers Act, is to ensure that the public is protected and that individuals and companies providing engineering services uphold a strict code of professional ethics and conduct.

Online Learning Modules

PEO’s Online Learning Modules provide licence holders, volunteers, staff and applicants with various learning and development opportunities.

Practice Advice Resources and Guidelines

PEO offers a variety of practice advice resources to assist licence holders in providing professional and ethical engineering services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What proofs should I save for an audit of my PEAK declarations (statuses and CPD reports)?

The following supporting documentation would be acceptable proofs for your CPD activities:

  • Registration records such as enrollment confirmation, conference registration, sign-in sheet and attendance log.
  • Content records such as your dated notes for the activity, course transcript, description of topics covered by the session, session resources like presentation slides, speaker notes or recording of the session, and agenda for the meeting, discussion or event.
  • Attendance records such as letter of attendance, certificate of completion and attendance receipt.

PEO is developing the requirements and procedures for auditing PEAK declarations. Stay tuned for more details.

PEO does not charge you a fee to participate in the PEAK program. You can pursue CPD activities at any cost, including free activities, if the learning content meets PEAK CPD admissibility criteria.

Currently, there is no process for requesting a PEAK exemption. However, PEO will provide plenty of notice before enforcing the program and starting in 2024, individuals enrolled in fee remission will automatically be exempt from all PEAK requirements. Note: Fee remission can only be requested at your next licence fee cycle.

Currently, there is no process for requesting a PEAK deadline extension. However, PEO will provide plenty of notice before enforcing the program and starting in 2024, individuals enrolled in fee remission will automatically be exempt from all PEAK requirements. Note: Fee remission can only be requested at your next licence fee cycle.

Beginning in 2024, licence holders enrolled in PEO’s fee remission program (such as retired engineers) are exempt from all PEAK requirements. Note: Fee remission can only be requested at your next licence fee cycle.


Individuals with a new or reinstated licence, or who exit fee remission, will not have any PEAK requirements for their first calendar year; instead, they will start the PEAK program the next year.

Individuals who change their statuses again later in the same year will have their CPD requirement waived for that year.

Please note: individuals with a suspended licence will not have a PEAK CPD report requirement that year but they still have to complete the other two PEAK elements that year to avoid an administrative suspension of their licence.

PEO automatically assigns you a licence status of “Not currently eligible to practise” and a practice status of “Not practising” when your licence is suspended for disciplinary reasons. You must still complete two PEAK elements: a practice evaluation and a professional practice module. Failing to complete PEAK requirements on time could result in an additional licence suspension for administrative reasons.

Please note: A person with a suspended licence cannot call themselves a professional engineer or limited licence holder, cannot use the licence title, cannot practise professional engineering and cannot be the designated person for certificates of authorization.

PEO automatically assigns you a licence status of “Not currently eligible to practise” and a practice status of “Not practising” when your licence is suspended for administrative reasons (like not completing PEAK requirements on time). You must complete any overdue PEAK requirements that caused the administrative licence suspension to lift the suspension; depending on your situation, this could mean completing two elements or three elements.

Please note: A person with a suspended licence cannot call themselves a professional engineer or limited licence holder, cannot use the licence title, cannot practise professional engineering and cannot be the designated person for certificates of authorization.

If you resume practice later this year, you must change your practice status to “Practising” within 30 days of resuming practice by updating the entire practice evaluation element.

If you declare your practice status as “Practising” in January, then change it later in the year to “Not practicing” for valid circumstances, PEO will waive your CPD report requirement for this year.

If you are not practising and have a licence status of “Not currently eligible to practise,” you must complete two PEAK elements: a practice evaluation and a professional practice module.

If you are not practising and have a licence status of “Eligible to practise,” you must complete all three PEAK elements: a practice evaluation, a professional practice module and a CPD report.